
Angel Message- Week of June 15th

This week's Angel Reading is all about remembering how abundant you are! What your visible eyes can see is not all that there is. To trust in The Universe/ God/ Your Angels means to trust ALL the time... Especially when you have no visible proof that your prayers have been answered. You don't question that a plant will bear fruit or that the order you placed at a restaurant will be delivered. It is the same with your prayers of abundance. You can't see the inner workings of how it's all coming together and it's not necessary that you do. Just trust that what you receive will be what you asked for or something better at the most divine delivery time. Let go of any fears from the past- doubts in yourself and your abilities- as these block and slow down your prayers from being answered. When you question whether you will receive what you asked for, you're putting out a prayer of doubt. The Universe responds to your predominant thoughts, assuming that is what you most desire. So keep your thoughts focused on that treasure chest (everything you desire), showing gratitude and excitement for already having received your blessings.

Angel Message- Week of June 8th

This Week's Angel Reading is about surrendering to the Divine by shifting your perspective on your situation. Last week's full moon and Mercury Retrograde have been stirring up a lot of emotions and energy. You may have even felt like roadblocks were purposely being placed in your path. Recognize these as blessings, that either that was not an opportunity that was intended for you (because something greater is), or that all the pieces aren't yet complete. Take pause this week by asking, "What is the blessing to this block?" By doing this, you not only regain your power over the situation, but you also align yourself with the complete trust that God/ The Universe/ your Angels have not abandoned you and are not testing you. They simply have a higher vantage point and know what it is you truly want, as well as the most perfect path to get you there. Surrender all your worries to Heaven, as worry keeps your vibration low and blocks you from seeing or experiencing the miracles that ARE occurring all around you. As is depicted in the second card, the Angels are sending you "white doves", messengers of affirmation to keep the faith. Pay attention to these messages, whether they come through a song on the radio, a conversation with a friend, or a sign you happen to glance at while driving. If you recognize it as a possible sign for you, simply know and trust that it is. This is also a perfect opportunity to acknowledge yourself and show forgiveness for anything you feel you are "failing at" or "not doing right". You are bogged down with expectations of yourself that are keeping you from joy and celebration of the things you have actually already accomplished. Honor yourself for the changes you've made, and release yourself from the contracts or beliefs you have that are unforgiving towards yourself. You are doing the best you can, and when you show yourself love and compassion, you actually allow things to flow perfectly, and the results or opportunities you are desiring simply open before you. "You are your biggest roadblock. When you dismantle the defenses you have created, the path before you clears, and the light above guides you forth."

Angel Message- Week of May 18th

This week's Angel Reading is all about listening and receiving. You have guides and angels that are assigned to work specifically with you. There are also Archangels and Ascended Masters you can call on for extra guidance. You have an infinite amount of support around you, it's just a matter of opening yourself up to receive that support by listening. In order to hear your guidance, you must have moments of stillness each day to be present to what they are offering you. Meditation or walking quietly in nature are great ways to practice attuning your chakras to receive information from your guides and angels. If you are having any difficulty call on Archangel Raphael (the healing angel) and say: "Thank you Raphael for clearing away doubt, distraction, and fear, so that I may hear my divine guidance clearly and perfectly." Imagine Raphael's green healing light penetrating through one ear and out the other, clearing with it any debris in the form of mental chatter, mental fog, stress, doubt, and fear. It's also important this week to look at what is adding chaos and distraction in your life that may be preventing you from stillness, so that you can either remove it or set boundaries around it. "You must be still to hear. In the stillness, awaits your truth."

Angel Message- Week of May 11th

This week's Angel Reading is all about honoring your inner vision. What does the ultimate vision of your life look like? What are you doing in that vision? Who is there with you? How do you feel in that life before you? Taking time to connect with and honor this vision is essential to the creation of it. Every day, before you head out into the world, spend about 5 minutes just connecting with what it is you wish for your life to look and feel like. When you do this, you make different choices throughout your day and have different interactions with others. You then start to look at the things that do not align with that vision, and begin making changes. Life isn't going to stop for you to do this, and your ego will try to scare you out of such action, as that is its job. But when your heart is aligned with truth, love, and purpose, there is nothing scary about that. Eliminate all negativity around you so that you can focus solely on the vision ahead and the gratitude of walking into the life that is calling you. To honor this vision is to honor your soul, and it is the deepest act of love for yourself and others, for when you are living your purpose, you change the vibration of this planet from fear to love. Trust your vision as a download from Heaven nudging you towards accepting your greatness. Own it. Honor it. Live it. Become it. Every single day.

Angel Message- Week of May 4th

This week's Angel Reading is all about connection: connecting deeply to your passion and dreams, connecting with others, and connecting to love as the foundation through which you think, speak, and act. If you have been feeling disjointed, overwhelmed, or confused as far as your path and direction, always go back to your passion. Your passion will light that fire within you and ground you back into your body (as overwhelm and confusion are signs that your energy is concentrated in the upper chakras and needs to be brought back down) so that you can move with the fuel of what excites you! You were each put on this earth to be a presence of love, and this includes that which you do. So if you find you have not been honoring your heart and your dreams, spend some time connecting with that this week. Connecting with others, especially those that have the capacity to support and encourage you is a MUST. Without that connection, it is so easy to fall back into silent suffering. Reach out to your tribe this week and share your frustrations and goals with them, asking specifically for what you need. Even if you're uncomfortable with asking for help, ask anyway! You never know who you can serve or inspire with your question, and this will help you get back on track. If you don't have a tribe, this is a big nudge for you to set an intention to find or create a community of like-minded/ like-hearted individuals. The last card is reminding you to stay connected to love. Whenever you are entering the unknown, fear is always ready to turn you upside down. In those moments, choose love by asking, "what would love have me do?" Love is always present, it's just a matter of you choosing it. Close your eyes, breathe into your heart, and let the love within you pour through your body, washing away any fear that may be stuck. "With love, all things are possible."

Angel Message- Week of April 27th

This Week's Angel Reading is asking you to practice the art of "letting go and letting God." You have been taught that to worry is to care, but worry is simply the energy of fear keeping you from peace in any situation. When you trust that everything is always working out according to Divine plan, you hand your fear over to God and can experience true peace. Your thoughts and feelings act as indicators to guide you in your life. Think of them as whispers from Spirit and heed their messages. They are always loving, exciting and firm when they need to be. Surrendering from fear helps you to hear, feel, and know these messages clearly. So hand over anything that is causing you distress this week to God and your Angels, and spend some quiet time connecting deeply with yourself so that you can hear your loving guidance. "When you follow your inner truth, you walk in the energy of love, and in the energy of love, miracles happen."