
Angel Message- Week of February 23rd

This week's Angel Reading brings awareness and healing to a pattern of manifesting that does not serve you. You have been taught that in order to feel happy, secure, grateful, etc. you must first obtain the thing you want. But that thinking is backward. You must feel the feeling first in order to be in alignment with the vibration of what you want to attract. To break it down even further, if you are sad because you are not attracting the romantic partner or dream client you want, that emotional state is not going to pull that partner or client into your existence. In fact, it will repel them. BUT if you can instead be grateful and excited for all you have and all that's on it's way to you, your energy is now attracting more things to be grateful and excited about! "Like attracts like", so align your energy, thought, and feeling with what you WOULD like! So what do you do with all those worries spinning in your mind? Start by writing them down and putting them in a box. The intention behind this box is to hand your worries over to God/The Universe, so that you can stay focused on how you want to feel and give your fears to the light!

Angel Message- Week of February 16th

This week's Angel Reading is focused on self- expression. How do you primarily express yourself in the world? Do you shy away from confrontation and swallow your words? Or do you feel you have to shout to get your needs met? How does this manifest in your physical body and in your life? This week, pay attention to when you feel confident expressing yourself and when you don't, noticing if you fall towards the aggressive or passive side of the spectrum. This observation is not to judge yourself but to recognize patterns of communication that no loner serve you. Making connections to those patterns, you may find similarities in the way family members communicate, as that was how you learned to express yourself- by watching them. Again, there's no judgment, as everyone is doing the best they can with the information they have, but it IS an opportunity to choose something different. When you can be assertive and confident with your expression, knowing your opinions and thoughts (spoken with love) have value, then you feel more authentic, create healthier relationships, communicate your needs in a powerful way, and break the chains (as pictured in the third card) keeping you stuck in that old pattern. Your Angels say, "The voice of God- of love- is wanting to express itself through you. It is through you and only you that that expression can come forth. Honor it, speak it, and know you are worthy to share it."

Angel Message- Week of February 9th

This week's Angel Reading is all about opening to the healing that will take you higher. When you make a request to the Universe to move beyond a situation, release something that is holding you back, or allow something even greater into your life, pay attention to the teachers and learning opportunities that come into your life. Whether this is in the form of a workshop, a book, or an interaction with another person, recognize this as a divinely timed manifestation to your request. (Example: If you have been wanting to work on patience, notice the opportunities that are coming up to actually practice it. If you have been feeling the urge to connect with your intuition and get invited to a meditation class, recognize that as an answer to your prayer). The second card pertains to the relationship with yourself, for you must first find harmony and acceptance here before you can extend it to others. The people that are pushing your buttons and causing you chaos are in fact reflecting something within you that is not in harmony. Ask, "what is the emotion being brought up here, and what am I really (fill in the blank) about?" The response is not to judge your feelings but to honor what comes up for you as valuable information. With this wisdom you make more informed, thoughtful decisions and your actions reflect the growth and harmony within. Others will take notice of your positive change and be inspired to follow suit. "Those that bring light to their own darkness, make the whole world brighter."

Angel Message- Week of February 2nd

This week's Angel Reading is all about responsibility. In order to see results in your life you must take full responsibility for all the actions and decisions you have made thus far. Taking ownership of what has not been working in your life is not about self-blame or judgement, but empowerment. When you can see just how powerful you are to create what you don't want, you can start shifting your choices so that they reflect what you DO want. Be assertive. Stand behind your words and actions (with love), ask for what you need, take full responsibility for your part in what isn't working and make a new plan of action. Like the entrepreneur, you must be your own advocate and push ahead with your dreams. As the picture in the card shows, you must light the fire within yourself to continue forward with your goals. What motivates and energizes you? And are you doing those things on a consistent basis? The third card is the answer to the equation. Assertiveness + passion/action = abundance. When you show up consistently in your life, driven by love and purpose, the Universe showers you with abundance in all forms. Perhaps that is more money, more opportunity, more freedom, or more love. Whatever the case may be, you are responsible for the script of your life. Let that be something that excites and empowers you. "You are not a victim to life. You are a co-creator of life. Create a story worthy of your brilliance."

Angel Message- Week of January 26th

This week's Angel Reading is all about increasing your vibration and energy levels. Through movement (like dancing and singing) you align with the vibration of joy and freedom. Incorporating healthier, more nourishing foods to your diet increases your energy levels and how you feel in your physical body. And detoxing from negativity in all forms by consciously choosing to engage only in positive conversations, thoughts, and material (books, media, etc.) raises your vibration of love, canceling out the effects of negativity. These are acts of self love. The more that you show yourself how worthy you are of love, the greater your vibration and the more love you attract!

Angel Message- Week of January 19th

This Week's Angel Reading asks you to pay attention to how you stop yourself from forward growth? What are the circumstances that cause you to fall back into sabotage? In those moments when overwhelm and fear creep their way in, remember that your thoughts have the power to change your situation. Take a break, do things that bring you back to the joy, magic, and possibility of life and return to your situation with a fresh energy and absolute certainty that you can make miracles happen. Aren't you, after all, a miracle in and of yourself? The third card "Animal Kingdom" reminds us to take notes from our wise, furry teachers who trust with unmistakeable faith that they are and always will be provided with love and support. Tapped into their own re-"source" they live by instinct and by their capacity to adapt to change. Surrender, allow and trust are the major themes to explore this week. Though the road ahead may be unclear, the path that is always certain is that God loves you and is always providing for you. "See not with your eyes but with your heart."