
Angel Message- Week of April 6th


This week's Angel Reading comes as a reminder that you are always supported and guided. Whenever you are feeling disconnected from Spirit, from your guides and Angels, it simply means you are letting life situations and circumstances distract you from what is actually real. You are a spiritual being having a human experience. Much like a virtual reality game, you are in this game of life, not of it. Take a step back and ask, "what is getting in the way of my connection right now?" Look at all possible distractions and ask Archangel Raphael to clear them from your energy field. Imagine him standing in front of you with his palms faced forward, his hands acting as magnets, drawing the toxic and heavy energy from your body. Once it has all been removed, feel his green, healing energy filling up your body, restoring it back to peace. Your guides and Angels have been trying to communicate with you but because of all the distraction you haven't been able to hear, see, or feel their guidance. So if you are having a hard time receiving the signs and messages you need, ask them to make it bigger. Don't ask for specific signs, but rather a big enough sign that you won't be able to miss. The third card in the spread reminds you that you have within you all the POWER to make manifest your dreams and desires, and to, again, not forget that first and foremost you ARE a spiritual being! The card itself shows Archangel Michael with his sword and his torch of light forging fearlessly ahead. The light is behind him, as it is behind you, and always there for your support. Lean into it if you need to, and trust that the Universe always has your back. Even in the moments when you think you're alone and overwhelmed with "the stuff of the world", there is a purpose and magnificence to everything you experience, and an opportunity for greater healing and expansion if you allow it. Your Angels say, "There is no need to suffer. That is not a requirement for spiritual growth. Allow us to support you and ask for what you need."

Angel Message- Week of March 30th


This week's Angel Reading is all about honoring your big dreams, and checking to see if you are in alignment with them. What action have you taken? Is it consistent? How are showing up to your work? If there's something that needs to be adjusted to increase productivity and results, now is the perfect time to take note of that. Look at what is working and what's not. The entrepreneurial spirit of problem solving is on your side this week as you make the necessary changes that support your big dreams. You'll also have the opportunity to reflect on your relationship with power, and how that is serving or hindering your progress. If you are in conflict with power, stop and reflect on why you feel that way. What is your belief around power and feeling powerful? Or are you not taking care of yourself properly to engage your personal power. This could be an indicator that your solar plexus (third chakra) is out of balance. If that's the case, do some research on this chakra and see how the imbalances are showing up in your life and what you can do to bring yourself back into alignment. This time for reflection will help you to walk in a straight line towards your goal. So honor this moment of pause and let it reignite your passion, excitement, and drive!

Angel Message- Week of March 23rd


This week's Angel Reading encourages us to stop and CELEBRATE! You just went through a roller-coaster of highs and lows and now it feels like things are slowly coming into balance. Honor that you are exactly where you need to be and your prayers have been heard. Let your feelings guide you this week. When you're unsure about a direction you should take or decision you should make, consult your heart (not your head). When there is too much chaos in the brain, more thinking adds to the overwhelm. You have all the answers within you, it's just a matter of listening and following your guidance. You will know if you are headed in the right direction if you recognize coincidences or synchroncities showing up in your life. Going back to your mind, there has been a lot of brain activity and mental clutter that needs to be moved through you so you can better tap into your guidance. Pick up that journal and start pouring out all that content until you start to feel clear. Just like your home needs to be dusted every week, so does your brain! Honor all the work you've done this far, pay attention to the signs around you and signals within you, and clean up the space between your ears!

Angel Message- Week of March 16th

This week's Angel reading is all about turning over a new leaf, perhaps that of a clover! As it is the week of St. Patrick's Day, this reading embodies much of the Irish spirit in that you gotta let go of your troubles, kick up your heels, and let that new found joy lead you to a new day with new opportunities. In the letting go card you see a woman on her knees powerfully thrusting over her troubles, fears and worries to God. All of this negative thinking slows you down from your purpose and keeps your happiness at bay- which is not what God and your Angels want for you. Hand them over once and for all by saying "Thank you fears for keeping me safe, but I no longer need you. I now trust God and my higher wisdom to guide me. I release myself from you for good." The second card beautifully depicts a rainbow (not an accident, as that too is a symbol of the Irish) and a unicorn kicking up its heals. Unicorns symbolize fun, innocence, and purity. With the letting go of what no longer serves you, it's about returning to your joy, and becoming excited and passionate about the next steps ahead. With this new momentum and spirit you are literally kicking down the door of opportunity! "For it is a determined and spirit-ful soul that changes his own destiny." And so it is.

Angel Message- Week of March 9th

This week's Angel Reading is about the power of self-reflection. You have been on a "healing quest" for quite some time, reading books, seeking out teachers/healers, taking up some sort of practice in the hope that you will discover the answers you seek. While all of these things are helpful and will aid in your journey, the answers are (and have always been) within you, simply waiting to be asked the right question. This week spend some time journaling and make this a sacred time, away from distractions. It is the distractions that have kept you from knowing the truth of your soul. A few questions to ponder this week:
"What is the truth I am afraid of admitting?" 
"What am I not giving myself permission to want? And why?"
"What is the payoff I receive for... (fill in the blank: staying in debt, not starting my own business, attending to everyone else's needs before my own, etc.). If the question doesn't make you uncomfortable or fire up an emotion within you, it's probably not the right question. Give yourself this time. Honor the sacred truth of your heart. And reach out to those that can support you in moving forward with the information you receive. Your Angels say: "Sometimes you're afraid to ask because you're afraid of what you might find out. We guarantee there is nothing that could be revealed to you that would make you less worth loving, but rather all the ways in which you have withheld love from yourself. This information helps you to powerfully make a new choice and to honor the truth of your soul. Call on us for comfort and encouragement and open yourself to the healing that is awaiting you."

Angel Message- Week of March 2nd


This week's Angel Reading starts off with your Angels wanting to acknowledge that they have heard all your prayers and don't want you to worry, as worry slows down the process of manifestation and their ability to get your prayers answered. It's also a reminder for you that when you feel like you're alone, you are the farthest thing from that. Ask them for additional comfort, patience, and peace, as well as clarity and motivation to help your manifestations to arrive with grace and ease while you continue moving forward. (No waiting "until")! This week take time to get everything out of your head by writing it down, from day to day tasks, to how you want to feel, to visions of the future, to things that you want to create. When all this information stays contained in your head, that's when you feel foggy, unclear, and unfocused. After you've purged your thoughts, prioritize what is most important for March. Keep your focus specific to this month, as that will help lessen the distractions and overwhelm. Also, look at which tasks you can delegate to others to make your efforts more productive and enjoyable. "We love you and are here to support you. Ask for help and know that in your asking, we are already at work helping to bring the best and highest good for you and others. Your joy and peace serve the world, so every prayer (no matter how big or small) is important to us." As Wayne Dyer once said, "You are Divine enough to ask, and important enough to receive." For any manifestation to work, you must do your part, by continuing to be in loving action and faith, while holding your arms out wide to receive what is Divinely yours. So, ask for help, clear your head, sharpen your focus, and open yourself to receiving.